Christopher Balzer
Frankfurter Allee 10
Top Floor Penthouse
10247 Berlin
Until the 11th of february 2019 please contact me only via email to:
Phone: +49/ 030 / 291 19 53
Fax: +49/ 030/ 20 00 94 39
U5 Frankfurter Tor + Metrotram 10
If you would like to be included in my mailing list, please write to me at
christopher.balzer@gmx.de |
Studied Fine Arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, and at the Düsseldorf Art Academy. Became Master Student of Professor Franz Eggenschwiller in 1989, and received his final degree as Master Student in 1990.
Since then, Christopher Balzer has been a freelance artist in patenting an drawing, as well as instructor in Berlin. Numerous exhibitions at home and abroad, regular working excursions on other continents, as well as contracted work for Land Berlin. Christopher Balzer works and teaches in the studios let to him by the Berlin Senator for Culture.
www.christopher-balzer.de |

Inhalt, Geschäftliche und künstlerische Leitung
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher
Christopher Balzer
Frankfurter Allee 10
10247 Berlin
Tel. 030 - 291 19 53
Email: christopher.balzer@gmx.de
Hauptdomain: www.atelierbalzer.de
Christopher Balzer POSTBANK BERLIN
Kontonummer: 296491106
BLZ: 10010010
IBAN: DE45 1001 0010 0296 4911 06
Steuernummer: 14/215/50021
Steuer-Identifikationsnummer: 92 /364 759 101
Finanzamt Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Umsatzsteuerfrei nach § 19 abs. 1 UStG
Webdesign: Torsten Mächtel
Layout: Christopher Balzer
Die Urheberrechte für alle Inhalte auf der Domain www.atelierbalzer.de sofern nicht anders angegeben – liegen bei Christopher Balzer
Trotz sorgfältiger Kontrolle der verlinkten Internetseiten, übernehme ich keine Haftung für deren Inhalte. Dafür sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich